Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • The french compiler community is now well identified and is visible through its web-page http://compilation.gforge.inria.fr/ . The “journées françaises de la compilation”, initiated in 2010 and officially animated by Fabrice Rastello and Laure Gonnord, are now well-established as a biannual event. Their local organization is handled alternately by the different research teams (Lyon in summer 2010, Aussois in Winter 2010, Dinard in Spring 2011, St Hippolyte in Autumn 2011).

  • Christophe Alias and Paul Feautrier have been active participants in an effort to structure the french high-level synthesis community, including both actors from academia (TIMA, IRISA, LasTIC, ASIM) and industry (Thales, Bull). The aim of this effort was to submit an ANR proposal for the Arpege initiative. A first version was submitted in 2010, but was rejected mostly on the ground that the project leader should have been from industry rather than academia. A revised proposal, under the leadership of the Magillem company, was submitted in March 2011 and rejected too. It seems evident in retrospect that the HLS community has yet to find a clearer balance between new research and industrial development, and that a new submission must wait for a more mature approach.